The Excitment Is Gathering Pace
We are well and truly on the route into the summer months as flavours are coming into fruition at rapid speed.
If you haven't already tried a GREEN strawberry this is the week to do so. That most random of flavours are subtle but truly creative with many uses lie within this under ripe option.
Just take a step sideways and think about if you got offered an underripe strawberry 10 years ago would you have been trying to incorporate it into your creations??
There is no doubt innovative creation is on fire as flavours excite minds WATCH OUT as very soon we will be showcasing flavours that you will have never tried before !!!

Foraging Day Anyone
If you would like the opportunity to experience the wild during an action-packed day then glide your eyes over to the Chef News section and sign up to register your interest.
It will be an epic day all you need to do is register and mark the date of 11th June down in your diary for some foraging ACTION.
What's All This About ??
With the mushroom world hotting up we are seeing some amazing mushrooms at the moment and we need to share some mushroom vibes
Come back weekly to find out whats the best for the week ahead...
Its Simple To Find Your Way Around
Select the section thats makes your eyes twitch with excitment and enjoy - Remember there is lots to explore...
Offers In Here
Show Me The OffersBorn Free
Refresh Your Mind Week Comm:01/06/19 Born FreeMystical Mixer
Mix TasticWho Are You ???
HelloPotato Knowledge
Refresh Your Mind Week Comm:01/06/19 Potato GuideFacts To Excite
I Never Knew That !!!Danger Zone
It May BITE!!!Hubble - Bubble
Refresh Your Mind Week Comm:01/06/19 Hubble BubbleWhats New ??
Read All About ItShare Your Creations
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Deep ThinkingNot Much Time ??