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Total GP Winners.....

Sometimes it’s difficult to be sure if you are utilising the best options when it comes to your side dishes and core garnish needs.

This section will simply highlight 3 core flavours every week which are in abundance and at their best value for the week ahead.

It’s time to see what the GP fairy is conjuring up this coming week.
Shutterstock 165529670
  • Shutterstock 1155906337
    Red Beetroot

    Often overlooked red beetroot is back in the GP fairy section due to the fact it's so cheap it's making our cells hurt.

    If you are not utilising red beetroot somehow on your menu you are most definitely missing out.

  • Shutterstock 1086270416

    Even though the trusty broccoli is coming from Spain daily it's still unbelievably affordable, so you must engage with this most fantastic brassica...

    Don't just use it as a side dish, why not try and make it the star of the show???

  • Shutterstock 584820655
    Soup Tomatoes

    What more do we need to say!!!

    If you are making soup, fondue, tomato water, pulp you need to order soup tomatoes as they will save your GP

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