Wow - What's Going On In Here Then ??
We are passionate about our growers and suppliers who work hard in making sure we are constantly Intune with all things food.
Without this network of gurus we all would simply have nothing to create with, so as part of our duty to connect you closer to them this new section is here to make you feel even cosier than before.

“Please Stand Tall & Welcome The Amazing Team From”
W.S BentleyInspirational Micro Greens
W.S Bentleys have been an inspirational arm of Delifresh for many years, creating new and interesting shoots, sprouting peas, seeds & all things micro green to keep your garnish and flavour combinations exciting no matter what time of year it is.
W.S Bentleys started their journey back in 1966 growing traditional mustard cress along with salad onions, beetroot, radish and a host of other flavours and textures.
The business soon developed and became unique as they pushed forward to simplify their range and soon became expert mustard cress growers now supplying every major retailer with their crisp and most beautiful cress.
Along with their passion and expertise in all things micro the team are dedicated to sustainability and continually challenge their operation to be consistent and sustainable at every opportunity.
Take the punnets which your micro cress arrives in – These are made from recycled food grade product enabling you to safely recycle correctly and be sure the packaging which looks after those delicate shoots is having a new lease of life as its already been recovered!!!!
Along with the environmental ethos, the team are passionate around growing in a natural way and with a zero pesticide policy in place, you are safe in the knowledge the cress is as native as can be enabling the actual benefits of microgreens to be present at all times.
Delifresh & W.S Bentleys are constantly striving together to develop exciting new and creative flavour combinations that will keep your senses active. WATCH OUT as something that combines texture, colour and most of all outstanding flavour is coming your way very soon.
Until then make sure you enjoy the most delicate and sophisticated flavours W.S Bentley nurture and deliver every day.

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