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We are passionate about our growers and suppliers who work hard in making sure we are constantly Intune with all things food.
Without this network of gurus we all would simply have nothing to create with, so as part of our duty to connect you closer to them this new section is here to make you feel even cosier than before.
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“Please Stand Tall & Welcome The Amazing Team From”
Northern BlocInnovative Ice....
Our new and most inspiring friends Northern Bloc are a passionate bunch who thrive on creating what can only be described to be the best ice cream on the planet.
The Northern Bloc journey began out of a desire to create great tasting ice cream that is natural and free from artificial ingredients. An ice cream that’s both indulgent and pure and which can add vigour and a massive amount of excitement in every mouthful.
The Northern cities have always been a melting pot of innovation and straight-talking pioneers. This legacy inspires Northern Bloc, as they continue to be forward thinking, creating new flavours, techniques and experiences in all areas of Ice creation.
Ice cream is a science – don’t underestimate the skill involved in its production! It requires great people and a great passion. Northern Bloc’s chef (like his father and grandfather before him) is an ice cream master who is relentless in the pursuit of perfection.
Northern Bl°c is evolutionary in the way they make ice cream. The team continually pay homage to the traditional flavours whilst adding a modernising twist, but always staying true to the principle of using only the best natural ingredients.
You won’t find any additives, colourings, emulsifiers or artificial flavourings in this most awesome ice creams. All the range is GLUTEN FREE & suitable for VEGETARIANS & we now also stock a Vegan range that will blow your senses
Another fantastic innovation is the way the ice cream melts this sounds fairly radical but with a very slow melt rate gives us the chef the ability to work with the ice cream in the knowledge that it will still be of great consistency when it reaches the table.
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