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What's Tricky This Coming Week ???

With produce travelling from all corners of the globe there is always something you should stay away from.

This page is designed to ensure you don’t get caught out by listing something on your menu when supply is proving slightly tricky.

Fresh produce revolves around the climate so changes happen frequently, make sure you come back every week to find out what will be difficult during the coming week.

68 Ee1 D7 C F410 45 Ab 934 A 0 C4 Efa1 Fe806

We Don't Have a Lot This Week But BEWARE!!!

  • Mixkale1

    With the recent weather the Kale fields are completely destroyed, these poor little fellas are stuck under mud so watch out as price and availability will reflect this.

  • 159037

    With the recent weather in Spain, strawberries will be tricky this week due to recovery times. This means prices will rise and demand will be high...

  • 152006

    We are at the end of the British season for Heritage Carrots, we will be moving to supplies overseas but please be aware that there will be a break between the two making availability a little tricky...

  • 311002

    With the recent weather, Endive has been struggling so watch out...

  • 328002
    Yellow Cherry Tomatoes

    Due to the skins of these tomatoes being thinned, the tomatoes are collapsing in transit. This will mean supply will be tricky...

  • 128005
    Green Grapes

    Lack of rain in South Africa is affecting supply, grapes are being left on the vine to turn to raisins- Inventive but no good for supply. The green grapes that have been sent over on boats are now stuck with the watermelons due to Storm Ciara.

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