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A Drop Of Rain

A splash of rain can most definitely help with all items in a stage of growth and this week Mother Nature opened the clouds and liquid sunshine prevailed.

Rain damage can be a troublesome thing for emerging soft fruit that's grown outdoors - Lucky the most amazing Annabel's Strawberries are grown off the ground and under a tunnel to protect that sweet and most delicate fruit from damaging effects.

If you have not yet taken the opportunity to embrace the Northern strawberry season then you must investigate as they are flavoursome, truly outstanding & will be around all SUMMER!!!.

Shutterstock 461699437

So Then What’s Totally Awesome This Week ??

  • Shutterstock 1077168218
    Koffmanns New Potatoes - UK
  • Broads
    Broad Bean - UK
  • Shutterstock 259991981
    Corn On The Cob - Spain
  • Shutterstock 637071157
    Yorkshire Asparagus - Richard Morrit
  • Shutterstock 466180199
    New Season Girolle
  • 386897 1200X1200
    Garlic Scapes - Isle Of White
  • Shutterstock 1008588907
    Dinosaur Melon - Tuesday
  • Shutterstock 95900824
    Strawberry - Yorkshire
  • Shutterstock 12947739161
    Mini San Marzano - Yorkshire
  • Shutterstock 58790422
    Fresh Peas In Pod - UK
  • Shutterstock 645714790
    Rainbow Radish Bunches
  • Shutterstock 436178044
    Fresh Cherry

Foraging Day Anyone

If you would like the opportunity to experience the wild during an action-packed day then glide your eyes over to the Chef News section and sign up to register your interest.

It will be an epic day all you need to do is register and mark the date of 11th June down in your diary for some foraging ACTION.

Glide Over to Chefs News NOW to sign up
  • Shutterstock 2669529171
    Wild Garlic - Last Few Days
  • Shutterstock 776328823
    Fresh Nettle
  • Shutterstock 145509451
    Wild Garlic Flowers
  • Shutterstock 181631612
    Oak Moss - Amazing Garnish - Pre Order
  • Shutterstock 11614106441
    Pine - Douglas - Smoking!!!
  • Saltyf
    Salty Fingers - The Best
  • Shutterstock 138521678
    Sea Purslane

What's All This About ??

With the mushroom world hotting up we are seeing some amazing mushrooms at the moment and we need to share some mushroom vibes

Come back weekly to find out whats the best for the week ahead...

  • Plum 500 Flat
    **New** Damson Plum Membrillo
  • Shutterstock 452784682
    **New** Deluxe Vanilla Yoghurt - Ann Forshaws
  • 21
    **New** Quince Membrillo - Global Harvest
  • Vinegar1
    **NEW** Minus 8 - Verjus
  • Skyre
    **NEW** Skyr Yogurt
  • Ip1
    **NEW** Minus 8 - IP8 Vinegar

Its Simple To Find Your Way Around

Select the section thats makes your eyes twitch with excitment and enjoy - Remember there is lots to explore...