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John Lyons

Our dedicated crusader Mr Steven Harris who many of you will know took a well-deserved break which found himself in a faraway land. After sniffing around the rugged wild hunting for some holiday inspiration, Steve put his feet up for a few days in marvellous Australia.

As far away from home as you can probably get Steve started to relax in true Mr Harris fashion scouring out food emporiums, eating lots and running the odd 100+ miles along the beach with his rapeseed oil at hand, until one day a familiar tone caught his ears.

Looking over his shoulder, a shock of excitement soon struck as one of the original Delifresh Warriors stood tall right in front of Steve's eyes.

John Lyons has graced amazing kitchens of the North of our lands for decades as he cooked up seasonal flair and brought tremendous excitement and dedication everywhere he could.

For those that know John, there is no doubt you will never forget his presence as he is full of life and everything he does is simply For The Love Of Food...

For many years John has been a fantastic support to all things Delifresh and become amazing friends with all - After severe chitter chatter reflecting on old times, Steve waved goodbye to John as he left into the Sydney moonlight to progress his incredible life over in Australia.

John, even though you are physically on the other side of the world, we stand tall and celebrate your Northern roots as your memories will remain of eternity. We hope you have a fantastic existence down under creating some seasonal flair with your weekly Refresh at hand - If you need any YORKSHIRE RHUBARB just let us know :-)

Just remember all roads lead back to Delifresh for all your seasonal needs.- Remain creative at all times...
#Cranberrysplashback !!!

#Cranberrysplashback !!!
Steve H

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Three Hours In Three Minutes...

You need to spare three minutes of your time to watch this creative showcase of some fantastic dishes.

Filmed back in 2016 this is a masterpiece and should be watched.

This creative piece came to our senses by recommendation by a warrior in the North West - while browsing Youtube if you find any gems you want us to showcase just use the form above to let us know.


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