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Sometimes it’s difficult to be sure if you are utilising the best options when it comes to your side dishes and core garnish needs.
This section will simply highlight 3 core flavours every week which are in abundance and at their best value for the week ahead.

Celeriac **In Stock**
The ugly one is on fire at this time of year and truly affordable.
Roasted, pureed, veloute, baked in salt, shredded raw the options are many and with such a robust flavour and texture don’t miss out on utilising this fantastic seasonal option.Kale **In Stock**
Late Summer kale is in top form at the moment and is so very affordable it's making our eyelids flutter with excitement.
Creamed, blanched, raw, crisped kale whichever way you choose it’s high in iron and perfect for your early autumn creations.Figs **In Stock**
They are at their peak and should be used as the fig season is on fire.
A few weeks back we all learnt about their mysterious path to ripeness well now is your opportunity to get them on everything as they are truly Nummy (really what does that mean ??)
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