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What's Tricky This Coming Week ???

With produce travelling from all corners of the globe there is always something you should stay away from - especially during these troublsome times as growers are only just replanting certain bespoke crops.

This page is designed to ensure you don’t get caught out by listing something on your menu when supply is proving slightly tricky.

Fresh produce revolves around the climate so changes happen frequently, make sure you come back every week to find out what will be difficult during the coming week.

Shutterstock 358524014

We Don't Have a Lot This Week But BEWARE!!!

  • Shutterstock 6358470261
    Peaches / Nectarines

    The season for peaches and nectarines has come to it's last week. It's been a fantastic season for these stone fruits.

  • Shutterstock 673315732
    Greengage Plums

    The season for greengage plums is coming to an end, so watch out and get the last of them while you can.

  • 133002

    Limes are currently in short supply meaning the price is high, watch out!

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