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Week After Week...

The Summer season is now in full swing and with pretty stable weather patterns, we are seeing some outstanding flavours arriving every day.

Keep your eyes peeled to your weekly Refresh and all our social channels to make sure you are firmly in the loop with all things amazing.

Are You Ready To be Inspired???
Shutterstock 157407014

So Then What’s Totally Awesome This Week ??

  • Shutterstock 105614330
    Blackcurrant - UK
  • Shutterstock 1405807571
    Mini Girolle - Wild Room - London
  • Shutterstock 1016604277
    Oxalis - Gourmet Garden
  • Shutterstock 1033247962
    Kohl Rabi - Tomlinson - Yorkshire
  • Leeks
    Bunched Mini Leeks - Gourmet Garden
  • 20190507 135439
    Strawberry - Makins - Yorkshire
  • Shutterstock 5337684462
    Apricot - French
  • Borlotti
    Borlotti Bean - Italy - Wednesday
  • Shutterstock 558377557
    Bunched Breakfast Radish - Holland
  • Shutterstock 115460176
    Redcurrant - UK
  • Shutterstock 1023212836
    Fresh Cherry - Kent
  • Shutterstock 105790139
    Courgette Flower - UK
  • Shutterstock 728823700
    Sweetcorn In Husk - UK
  • Shutterstock 227690278
    Bunched Rainbow Carrot - UK
  • Shutterstock 5284478262
    Cavelo Nero - Tomlinson
  • Shutterstock 181631612
    Oak Moss - Amazing Garnish - Pre Order
  • Shutterstock 11614106441
    Pine - Douglas - Smoking!!!
  • Shutterstock 1378023896
    Mixed Seaweed
  • Shutterstock 1437862445
    Sea Beet
  • Shutterstock 685740487
    Mixed Sea Vegetables
  • Shutterstock 1020919537
    Lacto Fermented Garlic
  • Shutterstock 194350232
    Wood Sorrel
  • Saltyf
    Salty Fingers - The Best
  • Shutterstock 138521678
    Sea Purslane

Why Not Try Something Ultra-Special ??

There Is Lots To Try...

  • Maple8
    Minus 8 - Maple Verjus
  • Shutterstock 1162900819
    Elderberry Salt
  • Shutterstock 1013655721
    Seaweed Salt
  • Shutterstock 1122845081
    Bath Pig Chorizo
  • Shutterstock 538505383
    Coastal Cheddar
  • Fennell Pollen
    Fennel Pollen

Its Simple To Find Your Way Around

Select the section thats makes your eyes twitch with excitment and enjoy - Remember there is lots to explore...