Hot, Hot, Hot !!!
The mercury has hit a record high for such a prolonged period we are now in an abundance of awesome flavours.
There Is no point hanging your eyes at this intro for too long, lets become inspired and find out what's most radical this coming week.

Rose Garlic **In Stock**
New season rose garlic is here and ready to be utilised.
The bulb size is significantly greater than traditional white skinned garlic and with a sweeter and less powerful flavour the rose garlic is perfect for some awesome uses.
Make sure you give it a try...Northern Raspberries **In Stock**
What more could you require than pert berries which are laden with juice and so beautiful it’s crazy.
Grown by Richard Morrit, his inspirational raspberry crop will most definitely excite.
If the weather is kind we should see around 5 week’s of harvest from the northern canes.
Embrace the most delicate fruit in the world.UK Runner Beans **Tuesday**
The UK crop of runner beans will be making an appearance this week.
If you love to celebrate the UK summer season with some runner action now is your chance.
Give them a quick blanch and toss them into smoked butter with crispy shallot and hazelnuts and watch them transform into a magical side order.
Mini Artichokes **In Stock**
Globe artichokes can often be overlooked as the imported offerings can be somewhat disappointing at certain times of the year - plus they involve a bit of work.
The time has come to remove this thought and take a look at these mini beauties.
Availability could be limited so get your name on the list as they are something else.Coco de Paimpol **Preorder**
The Coco de Paimpol bean is back for a snappy season and will most definitely excite your senses.
The Paimpol bean is, in fact, a white haroct bean which is a close brother to a kidney bean. With it's most creamy texture and robust structure makes this bean the perfect addition to many things.
It creates an outstanding puree and will leave you with a food memory which will last a lifetime.Kohl Rabi **In Stock**
Robert Tomlinson has done it again as his Kohl Rabi is ready to be harvested.
Often underused due to its weird appearance kohl rabi sometimes gets left behind. One thing you should not do is underestimate it’s potential as it adds fantastic texture and a great flavour to many things.
Why not try and slice thinly and cook like a Dauphionose with rosemary and orange as a great accompaniment to a meaty fish dish.
UK Chantaney Carrot **In Stock**
Awesome News - We are now back into the UK crop of petite chantateny carrots.
Due to these cheeky Chantaney being from the new season harvest their skins are very thin and you shouldn’t even need to show them a peeler or rubbing cloth.
Just give them a blanch, show them some heat or sink them into an orange Vichy for a great chantaney experienceUK Blueberry **Tuesday**
OH, MY WORD !!!!
We are simply lost for words around how beautiful these new season blueberries actually are.
The team at Wye Valley are harvesting the 2018 blueberry season and the quality/flavour profile of these most awesome berries is brilliant, you need to give them a try.Edible Flowers **In Stock**
With the summer sun in full swing, we can't forget about the mixed punnets of edible flowers as they simply won't get any better.
Within a punnet, you can expect over 8 different varieties ranging from viola, thyme, corn, nasturtium right through to redcurrant sage and lemon hyssop they just keep on coming.
Make sure you get a punnet to add colour and vigour to all they touch they are staggeringly beautiful.
Wild Mushrooms
What wild mushrooms maybe around this week - Take a look below....

Why Not Try Something Ultra-Special ??
With countless fresh flavours landing in our engine room daily it would be a disaster if we didn’t inform you of a few cheeky speciality ingredients that are also on true form this week.
Big Tom **In Stock**
Big Tom is a wonderful twist on a traditional tomato juice. Delicately blended with herbs and spices, the sometimes plain tomato juice we all know has been adapted and created into a spectacular fusion of flavours with mustard, celery, cloves, pepper, chilli, ginger and more packed into every spoonful.
Serve chilled for the perfect drink, pair with beef, cook with chicken, drizzle on salad... Blow up the lilo and pop a brolly in for an exciting paddling pool drink!.
Big Tom is the ultimate spiced tomato mix and although the perfect drink for every occasion can also bring excitement into your creations give it a go you will not be disappointed.Raspberry & Sorel Sorbet **In Stock**
Northern Bloc has done it again and combined two amazing flavours into a vegetarian & vegan-friendly sorbet that will blow your senses.
Made with stacks of creative innovation the melting point from this interesting sorbet is ultra-long giving us as chefs the option to actually create a dish around it and not worry about it melting within seconds.
Let’s reduce complexity and try this infusion of flavours - Order a pot to try you will not be disappointedSweet Cicely Syrup **In Stock**
For those that missed this last week on the Totally Wild page here it is again and should not be overlooked.
Foraged sweet cicely is picked and lovingly turned into a syrup that packs an awesome sophisticated flavour profile coupled with a texture which will hold the plate if required.
Aniseed notes flood from this green syrup lending itself to amazing drizzles, added punch to dressings or even your sweet creations
DON’T MISS THIS you need to try it!!!

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