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We all like a cheeky freebie and with this, in mind, we thought we should welcome back this section into our creative vibes.
Welcome to the Sample Signup.
Any new product we may be thinking about stocking where we require feedback will show up here for you to have the opportunity to try it and feedback.
All you need to do is register your interest here and we will do the rest by sending you over the sample of the highlighted product for you to try.
This week brings you the option to try two products that may excite your senses. If you have already filled in your questionnaire form the last sample signup and register your details for these samples you are one step closer to become on the elite panel of judges.

Chilli Jam Man Pork Scratchings
Pork scratchings can be an addictive thing and are used by many to increase wet sales as they are thirst driving snacks.
Have you ever wanted to offer something that will get people talking for weeks about how radical those scratchings were?
What Simon AKA Chilli Jam Man doesn’t know about those fiery fruits (Chilli) isn’t worth knowing and has created a magical combination of heat, flavour and excitement as the secret chilli jam man blend of spice is added to these crackling scratchings.
Perfect for the bar, amazing as a snack or could even be used on a dish to add texture and some serious heat. Register your interest for a bag or two and feel your senses jump with excitementStamfrey Fam - YORG
The team at Stamfrey Farm are huge ambassadors of the north and create some outstanding organic dairy items such as clotted cream, yoghurt and soon butter (SSSSHHH we didnt tell you that).
The newest addition to their range is the almighty YORG - This pourable organic yoghurt has been created to offer a probiotic start to your guests day and is perfect for the breakfast table or to be used in the kitchen.
It can easily be used in a dressing, marinade, will add excitment to the breakfast table or churned into a brilliant icecream, make sure you sign up to receive your free bottle so you can let us know your thoughtsRib Tickler Number 2
It’s a chilli jam man week this week as Simon is giving us all the opportunity to try the amazing Rib Tickler sauce for free.
This sticky sauce is perfect to marinade, use as a dressing or simply dip your chips in.
It's a nice medium number 2 heat so it isn’t too fierce, but it will most definitely tickle your ribs
Make sure you register to receive your free bottle to enjoy.
Golden Del Boy
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