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Sometimes it’s difficult to be sure if you are utilising the best options when it comes to your side dishes and core garnish needs.

This section will simply highlight 3 core flavours every week which are in abundance and at their best value for the week ahead.

It’s time to see what the GP fairy is conjuring up this coming week.
Shutterstock 680702350
  • Shutterstock 1051163129
    Bar Limes **In Stock**

    In most cases when we work with limes we are simply only after the juice.

    Our beautiful limes are amazing and host great yields but if you want a cheeky priced option this week we are carrying a stock of Class 2 bar limes which are perfect for juicing. T

    The fruit is fit and possibly over blushed but the juice yield will be magnificent not to mention totally affordable.

  • Shutterstock 24610237
    Red Cabbage **In Stock**

    The brain cabbage is on fire at the moment and being one of the hardest cabbages about there is nothing more it likes than some long slow heat, mixed with orange and spices to excite.

    Grown in Pudsey and picked to order at this time of year it’s a total no-brainer which should be looked at.

  • Shutterstock 253932022
    Broccoli **In Stock**

    The UK season is starting to very slowly wind down for the trusty UK broccoli, but it's cheap and should be used before the season comes to a close in a few weeks.

    To many its seen as a complete commodity, which brings a tear to our lids you need to use it to its full wihile its so very affordable - Almond broccoli & hollandaise anyone ???

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