Hot, Hot, Hot !!!
With the weather starting to calm slightly it's giving some of the struggling flavours breathing time.
This week new flavours to the season are totally radical and may change the rest of your plan for August
Cast your eyes down to feel your cells twitch with excitement as this weeks most awesome flavours come alive before your eyes.

Serenade Red Chillies **In Stock**
Chillies are pretty much imported throughout the year but not anymore as our innovative friends at Watts Farms have done it again.
The Serenade Red is an elongated chilli which holds a punch and being as bold as it is can bring many uses.
Ever tried to juice a Chilli ??? Sounds a tad radical we know, but the result is awesome and will send your mind into overdrive.Salsify **In Stock**
The Oyster root is back for another magical season!!
All good things need a rest and we have been without this most trusty flavour for around two months now.
Wipe the tears away from your lids as its back and won't be going anywhere for some time.
Get it peeled and sunk into apple juice add some heat and reap the results of something fantastic.Golden Cooked Beetroot **In Stock**
Cooked, Really ?? Yes you have read that right !!!
Our beetroot infused friends over at Red Rose are true beetroot ambassadors as they plunge every minute of their days into their magical golden, red, stripy and white beetroots.
This weeks brings the new season Golden but guess what they are also cooking it for us (wowza)
Never overcook it ever again this is perfectly cooked, peeled and truly ready for the challenge
Mini Red Onion **In Stock**
The onion season could be a tad bumpy this year but one thing that hasn’t been affected is these totally radical mini red onions.
Bake them in their skins, pop them out and use whole as a creative garnish, drop them into your sauce they are truly magnificent and should be investigated.
The season will be elongated and should carry us into next year so plenty of time to enjoy these mini red options.Forager Spice **Friday**
James has been busy in the woods over the last few weeks sniffing out all the fennel blossom he could find.
The foraged pollen is dried,then ground with added blossom and wild spice to give you a dust that will send your senses into overdrive.
Get a few pots on your order – it lasts for over a year, but once its all sold there won't be any until next season.
Get yours now to avoid disappointment.Sand Carrots **In Stock**
New season carrot is starting to arrive but if you are looking for a more sophisticated flavour profile you need to have a sneaky look at these carrots grown in sand!!!
Hand harvested from a beach in the south of France these carrots have a slightly salty edge with a deep and sophisticated carrotine flavour that will keep you awake at night as you dream up inventive ways to wow your guests.
The time has come to celebrate this most fantastic carrot and celebrate their existence.
Wild Mushrooms
What wild mushrooms maybe around this week - Take a look below dont miss out on the 1kg mixed wild mixes....

Why Not Try Something Ultra-Special ??
With countless fresh flavours landing in our engine room daily it would be a disaster if we didn’t inform you of a few cheeky speciality ingredients that are also on true form this week.
Dukkah **In Stock**
Whats this then we hear your mind tick ???
This blend of secret ingredients, nuts & seeds will blow your mind as it can bring texture and some serious flavour to all it touches.
Works great with eggs tossed onto salads, used as a crust for fish or meat it will even add some interesting notes to something sweet.
Hand created by the Cornwall Dukkah company, don’t let your eyes glide past this make sure you order a point today.Pork Scratchings **In Stock**
Really ?? We know we dont believe it either - these crispy scratchings are packed in a large1kg format and could be the answer to your dreams.
Pork scratchings for some can be something that you can't put down and most definitely drive wet sales from the bar.
If your sick of opening up small bags or want to add some creative flair to a trusty snack then buy a 1kg bag of these scratchings and go wildYellison Crowdi **Tuesday**
With Lowna diary sadly closing its doors we couldn't go long without an alternative soft curd option.
Yellison is a small farm on the outskirts of Skipton who hold a small number of goats and produce some fantastic cheese.
Crowdi is a traditional Scottish accompaniment for whisky but don’t let that put you off its basically a super smooth goats curd that tastes great and a perfect match for things like beetroot and tomatoes.
If you haven’t tried it before you need to give it a go...

Its Simple To Find Your Way Around
Select the section thats makes your eyes twitch with excitment and enjoy - Remember there is lots to explore...