We've Returned!!!
This addition has come about from the fact we have found out someone blew their GP into the outer stratosphere by buying air freight asparagus in mass to make soup from.
The refresh is here for our engagement and helps through the heavy week that lies ahead, so if you like a cheeky bit of soup glide into here at the beginning of the week and find out which ingredient is best and most affordable for the week ahead.
To make it even more fun and creative we will even give you some ideas to get your cells ticking.
Get the Mirepoix, stick blender and conical at the ready let's all welcome the Delifresh Soup dragon back in to the refresh family!!!

What's The Flavour Of The Week Then ???
This week brings something into our senses that we most definitely all forget about when it comes to making a soup
Still Affordable, Most Amazing Flavour & Oustanding Vigour. Stand Tall & Welcome The Trusty Tomato...Smoked Tomato and Coriander Soup
12 vine plum tomatoes, ripe, 100g of butter, 1 onion, cut into 1cm dice, salt, pepper, 8 white peppercorns, 1 sprig of thyme, 1 bay leaf, 1 sprig of rosemary, 20g of tomato paste, 500ml of tomato juice, 2 garlic cloves, crushed and salted, 100ml of cream, 20g of fresh coriander, olive oil.
1. Smoke the tomatoes in a smoker with 1 tablespoon of smoking chips. If you do not have a smoker, place the tomatoes in a metal colander over a metal bowl and place the smoking chips at the bottom. Light the chips and cover the bowl with foil.
2. Leave to smoke for 1-2 hours until the tomatoes have a good amount of flavour from the smoke and are slightly smoky in colour
3. Add the butter to a hot saucepan with the diced onion, then season and add the peppercorns, thyme, bay and rosemary.
4. Cook the onions until soft and golden, then add the crushed garlic and stir to cook out for 1-2 minutes. Add the tomato paste and stir until caramelised. Stir in the smoked tomatoes and tomato juice and allow to simmer for 25 minutes.
5. Stir through the cream, simmer for a further 5 minutes, then remove from the heat and transfer to a blender. Blitz until very smooth, season to taste and pass through a fine chinois, then divide onto plates while still hot.
6. Drizzle liberally with good quality olive oil and garnish with the coriander. Serve immediately.

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