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We all like a cheeky freebie and with this, in mind, we thought we should welcome back this section into our creative vibes.
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Any new product we may be thinking about stocking where we require feedback will show up here for you to have the opportunity to try it and feedback.
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Salt and Pepper Seasoning
Salt & Pepper Seasoning is fresh, delicious and a far healthier alternative than normal salt and pepper.
This is a spicy blend of herbs, spices and flavourings that will enhance, pork, gammon, chicken and all it touches.
Think about the opportunities this innovative mix holds - what about your squid!!!
Just sprinkle over anything before cooking!
KMC can also be added to flavour soups, braised dishes, chips, wedges, even add a good flavour to polenta, mashed potato, rice etc
TOP TIP use as a pre heated seasoning to gain maximum resultWant to give it a try?
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