The Deeper Thought...
These turmoil times have brought great thought to many minds as the instantaneous shock hit with very little notice when the global creeper appeared.
This creeper hasn't held back, moving through the globe infecting unthinkable amounts of people for completely no gain to itself.
Although uncertain times still straddle the path we all venture down, it would be out of this world if in fact this scenario was simple all a dream. Maybe a bump will wake our resting minds taking away this worldwide mess that's been building over the past four months.
You may be feeling like you want to shake the clouds cracking their presence so you can tear heaven open, raising fists to ask whats simply going on.
Anger won't fix this most cryptic of situations, but love for your closest and all around will simply see you through.
Although lockdown is firmly in place and in some ways this new environment is weirdly becoming slightly normal, the natural world carries on completely unaware of what impact this virus is having on our people.
Those unbelievable flavours from local crops are starting to emerge with great speed and some annual appearances have already been and gone - such a shame the wild garlic celebration simply hasn't happened this year :-(
It doesn't matter if its a spear of locally grown asparagus or a nobbly ear of corn the flavours are arriving and there is no stopping them.
Our love of food is super strong as the season pumps excitement through our veins, as we spread knowledge and supply the most exceptional flavours available to all. Even though times are troublesome, this simply isn't stopping our creative minds from flourishing as we adapt to make sure all survive.
If circumstance stops and the world simply ends fighting to try and contain this most horrific creeper, it will gain reward!!!
Whether its food, art, nature, sport, cars, people whatever it is that brings happiness and a sense of normality you must retain - thriving, adapting and somewhat pivoting in these difficult times enables you to spread much-needed love to those near and so very far bringing longevity to all
Cryptic words lay above but so very true - Take from what you can, but remember - Health, Togetherness & Love are all that's required to succeed.
Thoughts For The Week Ahead:
You can't cross the Sea By Standing & Staring At The Water...
Danger Down The Line
Do you ever take the time to stop at random points in your day, reserving a small space in time to reflect on your surroundings and all that's going on?
With total uncertainty in which direction the entire world is hanging at the moment, there has never been a more important time for reflection. Taking time to think about others, impact of voice, health, mental wellbeing along with everything else, is imperative.
There is no doubt that over these last few weeks realism has hit a hard-driving change in every direction as together we battle this invisible, silent killer.
The killer who many didn't take time to think about, the killer who transmits in an unknown way, the killer who doesn't choose on race, power or gender.
This is a situation we are all facing, and the importance of working together to conquer this scenario is in all of our hands.
This sense of realism has shocked many as health suddenly becomes of utmost importance.
Food plays a major part in our mission to survive, eating healthy, along with smartly, has never been so important.
Mother Nature isn't holding back as seasonal flavours are starting to emerge with unprecedented speed. This week the first picking of local Yorkshire asparagus has landed into our engine room - Every year we celebrate this fantastic season and this year is by far no different.
It would be easy to ignore, thinking no one would be interested in these most marvellous of natural creations - Oh how wrong we would be.
The asparagus is first to land followed by cherry blossom, fresh peas, fresh gooseberry, blueberry, strawberry, kale, cabbage, carrots the list simply goes on & on.
Delifresh is here to support our local growers and, although we are all in the middle of a pandemic, we are simply not going to stop spreading the seasonal message.
Our children will remember this scenario forever - lets put positive thoughts into their minds as they too can celebrate the season by trying something new.
The wildfire maybe burning its way through capturing more and more as it travels, but it will burn out and at this point, we will all be stronger & wiser than ever before.
Thoughts For The Week Ahead:
Find a place inside where there's joy, and the joy will burn out the pain.
Wild Fire
Over the years, this weekly blog has released many thoughts into the open world, some crazy, some extremely radical and some so cryptic no one could decipher what these projected words actually meant.
One reader compiled some words over this deepened section noting back by email that they looked forward to receiving these creative notes every week as it always pinpointed situation within their lives.
For us, our job had been done, but the words keep flooding back week on week. These words always showcase our sheer dedication, passion and extreme addiction to Our Love Of Food.
A few years back a very wise sole whispered noise into my ears as drive became distant - "Remember your creative voice is needed by those close by, your reservoir needs to be topped up at all times, enabling all around to feed on it" What a responsibility !!!
It's real, each of us has a mission although maybe a bit cloudy at the moment due to current stormy skies, we all have people around us who need our commitment, love and ultra dedicated attention.
In times like these the material things go out of the window, we may be all locked up in our houses - trying to homeschool, keeping kids entertained, fed correctly, inspired, worrying about the future, worrying about relatives and friends who have or could catch this most prominent silent killer.
Our children are looking up to us for guidance - we must remain positive, driven, organised, thoughtful as these times will be remembered forever - The smiles, tears, worry but most of all they will never forget the togetherness this situation brought.
Food plays a HUGE part in this journey, let's take this opportunity to try something new - Go on give it a go, why not make pasta, bread, soup, Hasselback potatoes you should have time - Rope in the family, give some to the dog, share across the garden fence (keeping distance) and get creative with all that's around.
Mydelifresh and this creative refresh are here to keep your thoughts ticking. We are committed to educating as many as possible throughout these most difficult times - Watch out on social media for our flashcards & other creative ideas which we will feed you over the coming weeks.
Our reservoir is overflowing with our passion for food make sure your under it catching the flow so you too can pass this back - Believe us this is not a drip.
Take from the above what you will, but one thing don't let this wildfire stifle your drive and commitment to those close by.
Thoughts For The Week Ahead:
Food drives longevity, health, passion and most of all, togetherness - utilise these times to bring realism igniting love to all around. For AR
The Confusion
Holding deep creative thought can sometimes confuse when situation occurs which is totally out of your control.
Overthinking can often stival creative drive as those murmuring thoughts linger with worry around future times.
There is no doubt maintaining an active mind enables growth in many areas - Just think about that very first time you entered into a professional kitchen.
Never before had your hands plunged into such hot water, smells which excited senses you never even thought existed. What about that very first time your taste buds tasted a fleshly mussel which had been snapped open by heat shock and white wine - Oh my word
These learning experiences etch deep into our lives and although often misplaced truly they are never forgotten.
We are tapping this out in the pitch black late one night as we were awoken by past thoughts flooding through our cells.
Working in such a dynamic, exciting and most passionate trade it's easy to misplace thought as you navigate day to day with total commitment.
The health of your carrier is important to maintain your powerful goals, look after your body, look after your team and most of all look after your mind ensuring continual creativeness can continue no matter what may visit without warning!!!
Take from the above what you will slightly deep this week although with a world of worry at the moment nobody knows exact escalation a healthy attitude and body can only help
Thoughts For The Week Ahead:
He who has health has hope, and he who has hope has everything.
The Beauty
A brisk walk in the woods during the early hours brought wonderful views and deepened thought as although we are all still in the grips of winter-spring is just waiting to burst into action!!!
A trusty path walked many times always brings reward. Still, this morning at that so very special time just before the rise in that sacred space where our creative thought flows at peak, we sporadically decided to navigate an alternative route through the darkened shadows.
This radical decision brought nervous thought as this untravelled route could bring random result, but it felt good to venture in this cold and in some way totally undiscovered area.
Companions ran in front excited with new smells and the possible chance of a tasty treat. Together we crossed the frostbitten land as we ventured deeper and deeper as time slipped by climbing across fallen trees and battling through last year's growth of bramble.
As we smashed through these brittle stems, it suddenly came to thought that although broken, brittle, and most definitely dead, life still hangs low waiting for that perfect condition to become reborn.
How mysterious can things actually be - if you take a step sideways, the amount of things in life we take for granted is far too much - Although a bramble these sophisticated plants exist alongside, arriving back every season to battle for dominance and condition they require to flourish.
Anyway if we don't progress we will still be typing about brambles for some time - so where were we ??
Whilst on our Friday morning sunrise walk we witnessed many things as we spotted Spring hiding out just waiting to showcase at that most perfect of time.
Mother Nature works in mythical ways, but any project, dish, or, in fact, anything in life can be rushed, but launching something at the most perfect of time will always bring perfect result.
Think of it this way taking the mash off the boil early as you simply can't wait anymore will most definitely end with you working hard to get your mash to that velvety, smooth and rich consistency we all dream about.
It may start out bumpy, which you may never actually recover from the amount of work, and added ingredient could be vast simply to recoup that most perfect of flavour.
It's a difficult thing to know when the time is right, but when you are connected, it screams from within as to when its arrived - Removing from the heat at the precisely the right time, your mash will be utter perfection leaving you a flavour memory you will never ever forget.
Read from the above what you will- Do you have a particular time where the best ideas arrive ??? remember, don't rush them; just let them germinate readily to showcase and change mindset forever...
Thoughts For The Week Ahead:
It Always Seems Impossible Until It’s Done...
The Passion
Do you sometimes think you could fall asleep forever or learn to sneakily disappear as you peer into that far away place giving you more time to enhance your love of food while meeting up with those lost over time???
Mental well-being In the kitchen is a topic close to all our ears as our industry is renowned for being a place of mind-bending destruction.
There is no doubt as chefs we are a passionate filled existence as every second of our lives awake or fast asleep flavour and creation is on our minds.
This intense thought process, coupled with stress, long hours, deep heat and sporadic change, can easily send mindset to derail.
Can you teach passion, is it possible to install thought and creative progression Into your team??? Deep questions flood every day across a chefs mind as if it was the industry would most definitely be brimming with people ready to rustle the pans and become as obsessed with food as we all are.
The rapid decline of people throughout the trade is something every establishment is suffering with. Teaching the process is most definitely not the problem, but the instalment of passion is what dwindles bringing tears to every kitchen across the land.
Food oozes out of veins From any seasoned chef as that dedication to flavour creation, and that ever-increasing drive to succeed is what ripples passionate thought.
Holding ninja-style skill set to twist and turn with speed enabling that most beautiful finished result to arrive no matter what tension lies behind the scenes. We have all been there with horrific pressure during service, but the result is perfection without nobody knowing.
The mental well-being of our people is imperative and along with a joined-up approach to enhance the environment while instilling those ever close personal and professional values will definitely create a place where that sporadic derailment may not occur so easily.
Keep thought close, keep people smiling while offering that overspill of passion which they thrive upon as they take a snippet every day - that’s a skill you may never knew you held !!!
Take from the above what you will but ensure your team are steadfast, dynamic and have the ability to understand food just as well as you do - Share & Use your weekly Refresh so they too can hunt for inspiration at that most perfect of time which is just right for them.
Thoughts For The Week Ahead:
Passion is energy. Feel the power that comes from focusing on what excites you.
The Chatter
Holding onto plans with severe future thought can become a cryptic space when you get to a place where without skilled minds, you simply can't move forward to that so very cherished completion.
As chefs, our creative skill set is vast, but you can't do everything yourself !!!
Without differential skill within your team, your dream may never become that reality & without partnered minds outside progression with technology and beyond can quickly become non-existent.
Creative thought pulls many into a sense of direction, but when something occurs, which is simply out of your control, it isn't straightforward to manage.
This past week we have been touched by such instance where technical voice is super loud so much, so it blew our food infused minds.
Anything new brings challenge just like that night where the new menu .is launched - We have all been there ten new dishes added to the menu on a Friday night sends all into panic as loss of direction and usual glide quickly occurs.
The words why have we done this on a Friday night springs across everyone's mind but truly that push and excited drive for change is so advantageous.
A change in technology is always amazing as future dreams suddenly become a reality - The arrival of that new singing and dancing Paco Jet can change your life - The skill is not just dreaming up the idea to obtain but nurturing the delivery for complete perfection.
Technology drives all our existence, especially online development - Have you ever taken the time to investigate the amount of programmed code sat behind what you believe is a simple task.
It's mindboggling and although 99% don't ever need to understand the 1% hold control of delivery. Development is just like cooking the skill lies with the culinarian while others enjoy their work - Wow.
Read into the above what you will, but everyone is touched by technology - Timeframes dwindle with rapid speed. Although you can't help to complete, the skill is managing that time, so the finished result is a marvellous piece of polished oak.
Thoughts For The Week Ahead:
It's only when they go wrong that machines remind you how powerful they genuinely are - Build, Test, Protect & Perfect to ensure happiness for all ...
The Unrecognised
Do you ever find yourself gazing up into the sky wanting to tear a hole and peer in??
A longing to reconnect with those who hideout in that place where the misplaced go - Not lost just merely out of sight waiting to reunite...
Life is most definitely far too short, and although the day to day ramp of activity quickly takes over your mind, every day slips by not to return ever.
For most these deepened thoughts never touch as the battle to remain proactive is always in front.
Work-life balance is a situation which occurs for all and managing this is no doubt a skill we all have to master.
This past week has been a rollercoaster of thought as plans start to roll to a finalised place with the new situation so close to being released we can - Literally taste it.
Along with combined united thought to help carve future goals, we have witnessed many new and innovative things.
There is no doubt working in this ever-changing food world ever day is an educational experience.
Things capture thought with shock or surprise as what you simply thought was one thing turns out to be something totally different...
We have all been there when you think how somethings going to taste, but it catches you by surprise - ummmmmmm how can we describe this, oh what about a cheeky watermelon radish...
From the outside, this turnip shaped vegetable doesn't look exciting - in fact, it seems like a typical turnip - thoughts about a hit of pepperiness with white flesh runs through your cells and more often than not it could get pushed to one side.
Take a knife and slice deep in to release a radiating colour of its inner beauty - a true delight hiding out in disguise just waiting to excite those who take the time to investigate.
Many scenarios flood into the mind where this occurs, and we could probably be sat here all night as we typed it all down - One thing to note you should never take anything for granted - never look at something discarding it as it looks dull or doesn't fit within your usual thought.
It's not until you dig deep the real inner beauty and most remarkable flavour shines bright - you may even be surprised just like we were this week.
Family, people, work, seasons, skill, dedication, passion, flavour are all fundamentals in our lives as chefs, the way you manage them all is totally up to you - just simply do the best and the right thing everytime.
**Deep thoughts** Read into the above what you will things are simply not what they seem #tastymeatfree
Thoughts For The Week Ahead:
One road split into two within a darkened wood which do you take - The one less travelled or the one with marked track ??? Strength to take the less travelled direction always makes the difference in the end.
The Deeper Connection
Do you ever find yourself in that unique time in the early hours connecting your previous day together??
For some, the above may seem a bit strange and possibly slightly puzzling, but everyone has their time were reflection happens.
Sometimes the brightest of ideas flow from this creative moment, others it’s all about knitting the day together so future growth can occur.
Either way, this dedicated time is essential and this week more than ever it’s been utilised to the max!!!
Working in such fast-paced environments which your kitchen is it’s easy to forget about the inner beauty and all the stories hidden behind every ingredient you touch.
Who has ever taken the time to find out how quinoa is harvested ??? Think about doing that for a living (wow) what about sesame seeds where do they appear from never mind the insane work that goes into growing and transporting something as simple as a Clementine.
Simple - did you read that, right ?? Does that make a clementine a commodity 100% not?
It’s easy to fall into the trap of taking items for granted it’s even easier to totally ignore and not dedicate any time to actually find out all there is to know about these often forgotten flavours.
This past week travel took us to faraway lands as we carved relationships, thanked, investigated and connected with 1000’s of the worlds most famous growers.
Fresh Produce is a world of passion, dedication, love, logistics, connections, relationships all to get that one item from field to plate in the shortest of time maintaining maximum flavour.
Our Love Of Food pumps through every vein as we go about our mission within this cryptic picture to source and deliver. It’s exciting to unite with others who also thrive and dedicate their lives for the same reason.
We won’t go into to much detail right here, but from a few long days, we have captured stories as we connected with many which will possibly blow your mind.
The connection is imperative in all we do - it doesn’t matter if your a chef, front of the house, gardener , fresh produce lover or something like a loin trainer the connection to your craft is the essential gift you hold.
Next time you peel that orange take a second to think how has this actually got here into my hand - Holding that knowledge will create an over and beyond experience once tasted or utilised in your creations.
Delifresh exists to connect so get ready as the time has arrived to become better connected with the ingredient and the creator than ever before...
How exciting!!!!
Thoughts For The Week Ahead:
You Never Loose A Dream, It Just Incubates As A Hobby....
The Day After Tomorow
Another week has slipped by without warning, that's another seven days in which we all had the opportunity to mark with rewarding thought, another 168 hours which we will simply never see again.
How was your time - Did you laugh, smile, taste something never sampled before, bring joy to all around ???
There is no doubt that if your not careful those hours slip by without notice, and suddenly you are staring at another week approaching with rapid speed.
Every existence has precisely the same amount of time it doesn't matter if your a chef, accountant, bus driver, inventor even a frog trainer we simply all have the same amount of seconds to perform within.
We are sure your ears have heard the words Chef I simply don't have enough time !!! just take a second to think as to how many times you may have listened to this over the last seven days.
Time is no doubt a mysterious place to investigate, and it's not the length or lack off, which is the problem - its the mindset and skill in managing it to its full.
Capturing time and making it work for you is a skill a lot of creative minds hold. It may not have arrived until later on in your life but once triggered, the great reward can follow.
The kitchen is a busy environment to utilise your creative thoughts in. The hours are long, the dedication and passion for food are super sharp.
Thinking for the day ahead creates a reactive pace - is that right ??? who knows but if you continuously hunt to make it through the day what's coming at you tomorrow??
The present is a generous place for some but that day after tomorrow which is waiting for you is a far more rewarding place to investigate.
Create those memories in the present day but utilise that futuristic skill to compile projected thought, thinking BIG can most definitely bring fantastic result.
Read into the above what you will, and although pretty cryptic it's packed with voice which many ears will hear loud and clear.
Thoughts For The Work Ahead:
Your limitation is simply your imagination...
The Infection
Have you ever been in that cryptic situation where you instantly think up an idea which is purely magical? Maybe it’s a flavour combination, a new dish or some life-changing concept for your team.
This instantaneous thought often develops over time nestled deep away until just the right time to pounce to the forefront of mind and bingo suddenly appears with shock.
These ideas are often the best and more than not; although we don’t really realise the most thought through as subconsiocly, you could have been working on it for ages.
Wow, how awesome – so much so we could type about this for some time – Don’t panic though we will refrain but circumstance hit this week as we glided through the amazing engine room here @ Delifresh.
As chefs holding the ability to be so close to many unusual ingredients every second of our lives often brings that little space where you don’t take time to look at all the sheer beauty around in the detail it deserves.
We have been in the kitchen where after filleting 200 seabass, the next to arrive is just a task – you don’t notice those bold gills, the firm flesh and most beautiful colour across the fish – Its sad in some ways but something repetitive can easily blend into one.
This past week as we glided the fridge showcasing all amazing I watched in great detail as our goods in team embraced a new delivery of fantastic offerings which had travelled from southern Spain.
The excitement was immense as the team worked through the delivery, making sure our back door intake checks occurred with greatest of effect.
Smiles, passion and most intense thought happened without prompt. It's natural to take items for granted, but when you are genuinely connected to your trade, the smallest of things excite senses bringing joy and happiness to all around even when they turn up daily.
Next time something as simple as a punnet of mustard cress or even a trusty tomato lands on the pass just step back and witness its visual appeal – how much do you actually understand about what's in front of you ??
Wouldn’t it be amazing to find out all there is to know so you could extract maximum effect from your new reborn friend?
Where is this going we hear your brain tick – just soak up the thoughts as it may all become clear in a few weeks
SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO that’s were we end this week…..
Thoughts For the Week Ahead:
Try To Be A Rainbow In Someones Cloud – Bright Colourful Ideas Most Always Excite…
Some Quotes Are Taken From Brainy Quote
Take a look they have some very inspirational things to read.