Wow What's Going On In Here Then ??
We are passionate about our growers and suppliers who work hard in making sure we are constantly Intune with all things food.
Without this network of gurus we all would simply have nothing to create with, so as part of our duty to connect you closer to them this new section is here to make you feel even cosier than before.

“Please Stand Tall & Welcome The Amazing Team From”
Robert TomlinsonVeggie Magican
Pudsey Yorkshire is a small market town which over the years has become a close and safe neighbourhood for many.
Nestled in between the houses lays a small farm consisting of 80 acres of open farmland where magical things happen throughout the year.
Since 1867 the Tomlinson family have farmed this open landscape, ensuring the most excellent quality produce is grown in line with mother nature. Over decades the farm has developed and now is the leading grower of what can only be described as the most excellent Yorkshire rhubarb on the planet.
Holding a close relationship with the family Delifresh are continually developing while helping the farm diversify, ensuring supply is consistent and most surprising at all times.
This joined-up approach to farming enables a legacy for continual growing on this amazing farmland for years to come.
One great example of this is the work we have done together with forced beetroot shoots, northern chicory, salsify and other exciting crops throughout the years.
Although the season for these bespoke items is abridged and with low volume, the embracement is required to ensure Robert is planting what you the chef requires throughout the year.
It's great to be part of the farms future as we help to offer a route into kitchens throughout the North, not forgetting connecting this rhubarb inspired family with our most inspirational customers.
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